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Friday, August 9, 2013

10 Yoga Poses to Boost Your Energy

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Feeling a little run down? Try some yoga for energy to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing.

We think of yoga as being soothing and relaxing, but it can be incredibly energizing, too. Strenuous postures get your heart pumping and can help improve energy levels. Others help your body process those strenuous postures so you finish your practice feeling refreshed, not pooped.

You can do this yoga series all in a row, transitioning from pose to pose. Practicing in this way is called “vinyasa,” or flow. Focus on your breath as you flow from posture to posture. If you’re looking for more of a workout, you can practice postures one through nine twice before cooling down with the final posture in the series. Don’t try to push your body too far. “No pain, no gain” is not a constructive mindset when you’re practicing yoga. Whether you do one round or two, your goal is to walk away feeling energized!
Want to get in on the action? Check out our series of yoga for energy.
Related Post :Top 10 Spa Yoga

1. Mountain Posture to Upward Salute
Start in a standing position with your feet just hip-width apart. Bring your hands into prayer position in front of your chest, and bring your focus to your breath. Gently inhale and exhale, letting the day’s stresses melt away, and focusing on what you want to get out of your yoga practice.
Once you’re feeling calm and centered raise your hands — still in prayer position — over your head. Think about pressing your biceps against your ears, then tilt your head back slightly and gaze toward the sky. You want to keep your back straight, so don’t let your belly push forward while you’re in this posture. Hold for 10 deep breaths, then transition to the next pose. 

2. Upward Salute to Forward Bend
Release your hands from prayer position, rotating your palms to face forward, then bring your arms
parallel to the floor and swan dive forward, until you are in a full standing forward bend. You can adjust your feet to be slightly further apart if you like. Either place your hands on the floor or grab hold of each elbow, and hang out here for 30 seconds, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs and your spine.

3. Forward Bend to Plank Pose
Plank pose is basically the top of a pushup. To get there from forward bend, place your palms on the floor and bend your knees. Jump your feet back, so you’re in a pushup position on your toes with a straight back and your hands directly under your shoulders. Use your core strength to keep a straight back, and hold this for 10 deep breaths, if you can. If you can’t, don’t worry! Just hold it for a bit longer each time you practice, and the strength will come.
Related Post :Slim Down With Yoga

4. Plank Pose to Downward Dog
To transition into down dog from plank, push with your arms, bringing your bottom into the air and walking your feet forward until you’re comfortably in downward dog. Remember to keep your upper back straight by pulling the shoulder blades together. Stay here and breathe for 30 seconds to a full minute, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs and your neck.

5. Downward Dog to Upward Dog
This is one of my favorite transitions in yoga. Once you get it down, it’s just such a smooth transition, and it makes you feel like a real pro. Release your bottom back down toward the floor, coming back into that pushup position you were in earlier. Then, turn your toes under, so the tops of your feet are on the floor. As you are changing foot positions, also bring your chest up between your hands, arching your spine and tilting your head back toward the sky. Hold for 10 deep breaths, making sure that you keep your shoulders pulling down away from your ears.

6. Upward Dog to Child’s Posture
One of the things that I love about yoga is that you take little rests during even the most strenuous practices. Child’s posture is a resting pose, so relax into it! From upward dog, push back on your hands, bringing your bottom onto your feet, and resting your belly and chest onto your thighs. Let your forehead rest on the floor, and either rest your arms by your sides or extend them out in front of you. Relax here for 30 seconds to a minute.

7. Child’s Posture to Camel Pose
From child’s pose, gently raise your torso so that you’re sitting up on your heels. Take a couple of breaths here, then lift your bottom from your heels, so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Place your hands on your lower back, and lean backward, arching your back, letting your head come backward. This may be as far as you can go, and that is totally fine.
If you want a deeper stretch, release one hand from your back and grab onto your heel, then release the other hand and grab the other heel. Engage those back muscles as you stretch the front of your body, and breathe in this position for 10 breaths.

8. Camel Pose to Shoulder Stand
To come up out of camel pose, bring your hands back to your lower back, then slowly bring your back straight again and sit back down on your heels.
Come onto the floor, lying on your back, and bring your feet toward your bottom. Bring your hands to your sides back, and push on the floor with your arms to bring your feet up into the air. Place your hands on your lower back for support and focus on keeping your legs straight and your shoulder blades pulled together. Gaze at your belly button and breathe here for 30 seconds, before slowly rolling out of the posture, placing your spine onto the floor one vertebra at a time until you’re lying on your back once again.

9. Shoulder Stand to Fish Pose
Fish pose is what’s called a “counter pose” to shoulder stand. It works the opposing muscles to give your practice balance. To come into fish pose, remain on your back, and bring your hands under your bottom, with the palms on the floor. Slide your elbows beneath you, which will naturally lift your upper torso. Arch your upper back a little bit, so you can place the back or top of your head on the floor. Stay here and breathe for 30 seconds.

10. Fish Pose to Savasana
Savasana might not seem like a “pose,” but it helps your body recover, so you get the most benefit from all of that hard work you just did. To transition from fish pose, straighten your neck, and pull your arms out from under you, letting them rest at your sides. Lay your legs about hip width apart, and allow the feet to roll out.
Think about relaxing every part of your body, from the top of your head to your feet. Relax your scalp, then your forehead and eyes. You mouth. Relax your neck and shoulders, then release tension in your chest, middle back, and belly. Let your torso sink into the floor, then relax your thighs. Allow your knees to relax, then your calves, then the ankles. Relax the feet and the toes. You can stay in this relaxes state for as long as you need to recover from your practice.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Top 10 Spa Yoga retreats in costa rica

Written By: Eanderson
costa rica yoga

If you are planning a trip to Costa Rica for some relaxing and invigorating Yoga exercises you might want to know the top 10 Spa Yoga retreats in Costa Rica. The first choice on the list is Anamaya. This five Star resort is located in Montezuma which lies in the southern Nicoya Peninsula. This Yoga retreat specializes in Teaching Yoga Classes to thousands per year that want to teach their specialty. The Hotel offers many different classes on Yoga, Zumba, aerial silk classes and retreats. The restaurant does not offer menus but specializes in delicious foods that are nutritious, healthy and concentrate in super foods. The Anamaya resort is also home to the Montezuma waterfall where a natural trail leads to the peak of the waterfall. At the peak there is a robe swing where the adventurous can swing above the falls. For the even more daring person in your party there is the large and very deep pool of water beneath the falls to jump in.
The second on the list of the top 10 Spa Yoga retreats in Costa Rica to stay at is Arenal Oasis Eco Lodge just minutes from the buzzing La Fortune town center where you will find numerous restaurants, bars and lots of night life, this lodge rests in the calm sedate preserving features as for its idyllic elegant relaxed atmosphere and natural appeal. Not far from this quiet beauty is a beautiful white waterfall cascading down the mountainside where is crashes into a lush pool of clear blue water. If you are wanting a warm cozy homey experience for your vacation then the Arenal Oasis Eco Lodge is the place to stay.

Third on the top 10 Spa Yoga retreats in Costa Rica to stay at is the Catarata Eco Lodge. The Catarata Eco Lodge is yet another family oriented retreat that has the beautiful backdrop of the Arenal Volcano! This vantage point allows the visitors to appreciate the beautiful wonders of this Volcano but at a safe distance. Far enough away from prying eyes but close enough to enjoy the natural attractions of the area.
Another Costa Rica Retreat finding its way on the top 10 Spa Yoga retreats in Costa Rica list is Panacea de la MontaƱa. Enjoy a relaxing nap in your hammock as you are lulled to sleep by the natural sounds of nature. Later after your equally relaxing Yoga lesson you can enjoy a refreshing tropical drink as you lounge around the pool.
Fifth on this list of top 10 Spa Yoga retreats in Costa Rica is Amatierra. Amatierra is a Island retreat for the whole person. During your stay at Amatierra you can enjoy nutritious foods and beverages designed to cleanse your organs as well as your complexion. Enjoy an assortment of mind body and spirit pampering as you learn to listen to your body in its entirety.
Tango Mar is an Island retreat all by itself. Tango Mar is literally on its own Island so you are afforded the privacy you desire but the modern amenities you crave. Salsa Brava offers surfing, scuba diving Yoga and much more for its visitors. El Silencio Lodge and Spa, Bamboo Yoga Play and Luna Lodge are the final 4 on the top 10 places to stay and do Yoga. No matter where you stay at or how much money you have to play with, you are sure to have the experience of a lifetime when you visit and play Costa Rica!

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Great pregnancy exercise: Prenatal yoga

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

The benefits of prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga classes are more popular than ever. When paired with a cardiovascular exercise such as walking, yoga can be an ideal way to stay in shape during your pregnancy. This age-old practice keeps you limber, tones your muscles, and improves your balance and circulation, with little, if any, impact on your joints.

Yoga is also beneficial because it helps you learn to breathe deeply and relax, which will come in handy as you face the physical demands of labor, birth, and motherhood. In fact, one of the first things you learn in a yoga class is how to breathe fully. The breathing technique known as ujjayi requires you to take in air slowly through your nose, filling your lungs, and exhale completely until your stomach compresses.

Learning how to do ujjayi breathing primes you for labor and childbirth by training you to stay calm when you need it most. When you're in pain or afraid, your body produces adrenalin and may produce less oxytocin, a hormone that makes labor progress. A regular yoga practice will help you fight the urge to tighten up when you feel pain, and show you how to relax instead.

Along these same lines, according to a report in the April 2009 issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, rigorous studies have found scientific proof that yoga helps the body deal with stress by slowing heart and breathing rates and lowering blood pressure -- which can benefit new moms after the baby's born, too.

The benefits of yoga aren't limited to your physical well-being. "Taking a prenatal yoga class is a great way to meet other pregnant women — to become part of a community," says Cynthea Denise, a registered nurse and prenatal yoga instructor in Oakland, California. Being in a positive, supportive environment with others like you can give you a regular emotional boost and keep you motivated to continue exercising.

First-trimester yoga tips

Seek out an instructor who is specifically trained in prenatal yoga, but if that's not possible, make sure your instructor knows you're expecting, says Denise. You probably don't have many restrictions this early in your pregnancy, but remember to follow the 13 rules of safe pregnancy exercise such as drinking lots of water before, during, and after exercising to keep your body hydrated.

Breathe deeply and regularly as you stretch. If you're a pro at yoga, recognize and accept that your regular routine will require modifications as time goes on.

"Listen to your body and trust what it tells you," says Denise. If you're feeling pain or discomfort, make an adjustment or ask your instructor to recommend an alternative position.

Second-trimester yoga tips

Your joints are beginning to loosen up now, so proceed with caution. Be aware, too, that your slowly expanding girth will affect your sense of balance. Don't try to hold poses for a long time, and remember to sink into yoga positions slowly and carefully to avoid injury. Take your time and don't overdo it. Avoid lying flat on your back now, too, to keep blood flowing properly to your uterus.

Third-trimester yoga tips

You're probably feeling less graceful now that your belly is bigger, so perform standing poses with your heel to the wall or use a chair for support to avoid losing your balance and risking injury to yourself or your baby. Props such as blocks and straps can also help you move through different poses with greater stability.

And remember: Don't hold poses for a long time; it's important to keep moving.

Best poses for pregnancy

Denise recommends the following poses, or asanas, during pregnancy:

Cobbler's or Tailor's pose (baddha konasana): This sitting pose helps open the pelvis. If you are very loose-jointed in your hips, make sure your "sit bones" are well grounded on the mat or blanket (gently pulling the flesh on each side of your bottom out a bit will help you find the right position). Place pillows or rolled-up towels under your knees to avoid hyperextension of your hips.
Sit up straight against a wall with the soles of your feet touching each other.
Gently press your knees down and away from each other, but don't force them apart.
Stay in this position for as long as you're comfortable.

Pelvic tilt or Cat-Cow: This position helps relieve back pain, a common problem during pregnancy.
Get on your hands and knees, arms shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart, keeping your arms straight, but not locking the elbows.
Tuck your buttocks under and round your back as you breathe in.
Relax your back into a neutral position as you breathe out.
Repeat at your own pace.

Squatting: Denise recommends that her prenatal yoga students squat every day to relax and open the pelvis and strengthen the upper legs. As you start to feel heavier in pregnancy, use props such as yoga blocks or a few stacked books on which to rest your bottom. Focus on relaxing and letting your breath drop deeply into your belly.
Stand facing the back of a chair with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward. Hold the back of the chair for support.
Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest, and relax your shoulders. Then lower your tailbone toward the floor as though you were going to sit down on a chair. Find your balance — most of your weight should be toward your heels.
Take a deep breath and, exhaling, push into your legs to rise to a standing position.

Side-lying position: This is a good resting pose for the end of a practice.
Lie on your left or right side with your head resting on your arm or a blanket.
Put a body pillow or blanket roll between your thighs to give your hips some support.
If you're in a yoga class, your instructor may guide you through some breathing exercises.

Other good poses during pregnancy: Try the standing postures Warrior I (virabhadrasana I), Warrior II (virabhadrasana II), and Tree (vrksasana). These poses help strengthen your joints and improve your balance. Warrior poses can also ease backache and sciatica.

Downward-Facing Dog (adho mukha vrksanasana) can energize your whole body, but it's best not to do this position in your third trimester. Your yoga instructor may recommend variations on any of these classic poses.

Yoga safety precautions during pregnancy

As with any exercise, you need to take certain general precautions when you're pregnant.

You may want to skip any movements that require you to lie flat on your back for longer than a few minutes, especially after the first trimester. Lying on your back can put pressure on your inferior vena cava, the vein that returns blood from the legs to the heart, which can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, and nausea. But some women are comfortable lying in this position well into their pregnancies.

Your yoga instructor may leave the decision up to you, says Denise.

If you've never done a headstand or shoulder stand before, skip these poses.

"Pregnancy is not the time to start an inversion practice," says Denise, although many women who are used to these poses can continue to perform them well into their second trimesters. Use caution or avoid these poses altogether during the third trimester.

Skip positions that stretch the abdominal muscles too much, such as deep forward and back bends and deep twists. You're more apt to tear and strain muscles now because the pregnancy hormones that allow the uterus to expand also loosen other connective tissue.

Steer clear, too, of Bikram or hot yoga classes, in which the room is heated to 90 degrees or higher, since this could cause dangerous overheating, cautions Tracey Mallett, a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor in South Pasadena, California, and creator of the 3-in-1 Pregnancy Workout DVD.

If you're looking for a prenatal yoga class near you, start by searching the Yoga Finder website.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Get Your Morning Yoga On

Kimberly Wilson, June 4, 2010, Source : 
I once asked my blog readers (at for feedback on how they start their days. I was awed by the response. For years I’ve leapt out of bed and headed straight to the computer. Yep, even on the weekends. Even though each morning after logging on I contemplated crawling back under my covers for more shut-eye, I was inspired by the bliss-filled morning rituals that readers shared with me. Thanks to their ideas, I’ve made some great strides in launching tranquility at the start of the day. Let me give you some examples: Get your yoga on. Start the day with yummy stretches, such as sun salutations. Enjoy a moment of silence. Set your kitchen timer (or download a free meditation chime for your Mac) for ten minutes and just be. Savor getting ready. Rather than rushing out the door, leave ample time for primping, sitting down for breakfast, and writing in your journal. Pack your lunch (and snacks). Take this time to ensure that you’re feeling healthy and fulfilled throughout the day. Stimulate your mind. Let some thought-provoking headlines or a favorite inspirational book percolate through your mind. The key is to set your intention for your day. Let your start be serene, strategic, and therapeutic to your spirit – not rushed, chaotic, and stressful. This will help set the tone for what will unfold and ground you — much different than rushing out the door with wet hair, juggling your breakfast and espresso. 

Adopt Eight Yogic Steps for Mindful Mavens
As a yoga teacher and practitioner for over a decade, I love to refer back to the basic tenets of yoga, outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Indian sacred text the Yoga Sutras, to guide my spiritual side. My favorite version of the Sutras is the first translation by a woman, Nischala Joy Devi, called The Secret Power of Yoga. It’s a great read if you’d like to learn more about these ancient teachings from a fellow femme’s perspective.
We all need some sort of road map to help us stay the course and make minor adjustments along the way. The following steps, outlined in the Sutras as the eight limbs of yoga, are great everyday guidelines for mindful bliss.
Yamas. These five guidelines give insights into how to act toward others, and they promote nonviolence, truthfulness, moderation, greedlessness, and not stealing. An example of nonviolence is to make lifestyle choices that lessen your carbon footprint, such as riding your bike to work, eating fruits and vegetables in season, carrying a reusable bag, and turning off the water while brushing your teeth.
Niyamas. These five guidelines focus on how you treat yourself, and they promote purity, contentment, austerity, self-study, and letting go. An example of self-study involves focusing within to recognize patterns, review expectations, and practice acceptance of what is. By doing so, you become able to better understand who you are and why you react the way you do, and to accept situations beyond your control. Let go of that dirty word should.
Asanas (poses). Practicing poses, such as down dog, cobra, and lion’s pose, is what, in the West, we commonly refer to as yoga. The physical practice of yoga is a great way to still the mind and awaken the body. Use your body as a catalyst for change by observing all the sensations that transpire in challenging poses or challenging situations in life. Our bodies hold keys for amazing transformations.
Pranayama (breath work). Breath control is a powerful tool for use during our daily lives. Notice how your breath becomes shallow when you’re on deadline or waiting in a long line. Take deep, full breaths to induce a calming effect and cleanse and balance your nervous system. Take ten deep, full breaths before heading in for your annual review, and notice the powerful effect. My three favorite prana practices are unveiled in the upcoming section on breath.

Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses). This concept encourages us to avoid reacting to everything around us. Picture yourself calm, collected, and compassionate in the middle of a mall on the day after Thanksgiving. Embrace this step in chaotic situations such as family reunions, a fire alarm, or an overreacting colleague. Release all the distractions around you to become fully present with what is happening.
Dharana (concentration). This is the ability to be completely in the moment and focused on only one thing. Use mantras, breath, images, or even candles to help bring yourself into focus. When interacting with others, practice being fully present with them — no texting, no watching who else may be walking by, no checking your watch. The Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us: “The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” Help others bloom.
Dhyana (meditation). Turn inward, release the mind, and focus on just being in that moment. Much easier said than done, but it is a critical addition to the physical practice of yoga. It is said that yogis first began practicing their fabulous yoga poses to prepare their bodies for meditation. During your busy day, secure at least five minutes to sit still, focus on your breath, and let go of outside distractions. This assists you with being more proactive and less reactive in daily life. Very helpful — especially if you tend to be a drama queen!
Samadhi (true bliss). This is the experience of wholeness when you are in the flow and feeling connected to all. Think inner peace, bliss, and overall freedom. This step is considered the ultimate experience, where you have control over distractions. Reflect on times when you feel completely in the zone, when you lose track of time and feel perfectly at peace.

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